
[book]recent reading book review

■Shinsuke Shimojo "What is consciousness" Kodansya 1999(下條信輔『意識とは何だろうか』)★★★★★

Cognitive science popular introduction in Japan. I regret I have not read the book until today.
This author is setting up many interesting point.
I list some point.

consiciousness is not awareness. we can reckon a model "Consiciousness - Pre Consiciousness - Non Consiciousness"

"The history of Brain" --- this concept include a realm ruled by DNA, and Not DNA.(Not DNA area will consist by Pre-Consiciousness and Non-Concisiousness. )

The definition of "illusion" : We can't define illusion by it self, or only brain inside. If we want to mention about illusion, we have to mention the relation between brain inside and outside. This scheme can applicate about the definition of "Consisiousness"

■Tamaki Saito "The illuness of context" Seidosya 1998(斉藤環『文脈病』青土社) ★★★★

Japanese famous critic and psychiatrists Tamaki Saito's debut volume. I read only theorical chapter.
Human mind system was divided 2 system by the author.
One system is Organic-System, the other is Psychoanalytic-System.

Especially, review for Gregory Bateson and Stuart Hall concepts is quite helpful for me.

■Shigeo Takeda "reading game-theory : critique for stratigic reason" 2004,chikuma pub,(竹田茂夫『ゲーム理論を読みとく』)★★★☆

Interesting for me. However, according to amazon.co.jp reviews this author's understanding level for game theory is said that not so high level.
this books main advocating topic is critic for game theory's "rationality" model. Althought this type critic will classify very nomal critic for game theory experts. If experts say "this critic is nonsence", I may agree with that. Sure, I thought if this book's author Mr.Takeda try to critic to game theory, he have to define the critic level, more strictly. Additionaly, I want to read a statement "How far game theory can be valid, and invalid". His advocate lean to cry down side, but if he write about game theory it must write about the scope of the potency.
But my curioucity is not only depending to the main advocation. Chapter 7 serve as a useful reference for me. If he mention about "asobi(=play)" , the relation between game theory and the game have to think about more carefully.

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