
Two side of diversity

"Does diversity make something new one ?"

I agree to the skepticism for diversity. In Japan, There are innumerable naive confession to believe diversity. his dealing issue is very good point, I think.
though I agree his point, I looks like his article mixed some difficult point.
his insist can summarize this

  • Point1: the concept of diversity is not perfect goodness.
  • Point2: "Always diversity makes something new one" is false
  • Point3: for example, conversation based on diversity is not always efficient.
I agree these 3 point. but I consider, if he wants to mention for diversity and the value, he write to about the relation about Point1 and Point2. It goes without saying that the relationship about diversity and innovation(Point2) is not same problem the relationship diversity and goodness(Point1). Point2 is only subset of Point1. if he want to show an objection for that problem more strongly, he must not connect the innovation and goodness.
if we mention about diversity, that includes various value. such as, biological diversity, political diversity, cultural diversity....it concern about the rightness for diver things.
when we argue the issue of diversity, the 2 goodness -- efficient innovation and the rightness -- confuse frequently. but we have to think about the both aspect, if we want mention diversity.

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