
[MEMO] What is the society

now i am thinking the basic question. at first in my life.some people will be feel why didn't I think about this question. the answer is easy : "I am not sociologist".it is one of the truth about myself. but now, i have to imagine to teach "sociology" for university students, so i imagine the question at first on my life (-:)

[Basic issue for think about "society"]

"Society" has some aspects, we have to check the problem.

---[1.Society is real existence or not ?] ----------

Real : Durkheim

Image : Max Weber, Benedict Richard O'Gorman Anderson , (Michel Foucault)

(ref:the relation of the expression and realization)

Does "Society" have some name? such as "American Society", "Japanese Society", "Chinese Society", "India Society" e.t.c....ordinary, people use the words. Do you think whether the usage is good way ? In my thought, that way is not best. but if you can't use these word, you will become impossible to point out something. In other words, you can use these word. Again ask the question The idea of "Society" has real existence or not ? That answer up to the word of "real". Let's imagine, video game "Sim-city", or African map or some vague thing. You know, this world constitute by gradation. Can you find the obvious border of a mountain and a canyon ? Or, can you classify all of stone into rock and pebble ? These are so hard. We can't distinguish mountain and canyon perfectly. But we can imagine mountain and canyon. It is "concept".We have to comprehend many kind of concepts have excess and deficiency. And, some kind of words include a lot of excess or deficiency. Especially, words connecting society has big excess or deficiency. but we use the words "American Society", "Japanese Society".

---[ 2.is that the namely "grouping of individuals" ? Are there some size group and society?] ----

Micro : Erving GoffmanMacro : Niklas Luhmann, Talcott Parsons

---[3.is this "social system" ? ]---

-system-path dependency : Max Weber
-Talcott Parsons-Niklas Luhmann : social system-Immanuel Wallerstein : World system
Society has enormous module and that combination. Society is changing every day. If any great sociologist were to revive from 100 years ago. He/She will be unable to mention his/her nation adequately.

---[4. That aspect is clarified by statistics ? fieldwork ? or others ?]----

-Statistics : Pierre Bourdieu, Lazarsfeld-Fieldwork : Paul E. Willis

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